黄 凌





课题组公众号:大气复合污染研究(二维码 -->)





2015年毕业于美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀分校(The University of Texas at Austin),获化学工程博士学位。博士毕业后先后就职于世界著名跨国咨询公司Ramboll(安博)集团的加州诺瓦托和上海分公司,任高级项目顾问。期间参与了多个国内外跟大气污染物排放、空气质量模型相关的咨询项目。2018年12月加入77779193永利环境污染与健康研究所。在Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, Environmental International, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Pollution等大气环境领域期刊上发表多篇论文。主持上海市科委项目2项、青年基金1项,以及主持参与若干横向课题。目前主要研究方向是空气质量模型的应用与改进、排放清单构建、臭氧和二次有机气溶胶形成机制及来源解析、机器学习在大气领域的应用等。


2012-2015年 美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀分校,化学工程,博士

2009-2011年 美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀分校,环境与水资源工程,硕士

2005-2009年 同济大学,给水排水工程,学士










1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(2021-2023),主持,在研

2. 浙江省生态环境大数据重点实验室开放基金,2022.11-2024.10,主持,在研

3. 苏州市大气环境质量优化提升战略合作(2021年、2022年),子课题负责人,在研

4. 上海市创新行动计划“多维多层次空气质量耦合模型与协同防控技术路径” (2019-2022),主持,已结题

5. 2019年上海市扬帆计划“基于挥发性分级法对长三角二次有机气溶胶的模拟研究”,主持,已结题

6. 2022年度科技智库青年人才计划,主持,结题

7. 淄博市细颗粒物和臭氧污染协同防控综合解决方案研究,2021-2023,参与;

8. The HGB 8-Hour Ozone SIP Coalition, “Impact of temporal variability in inventoried industrial emissions on ozone formation and control in the Houston-Galveston area”, 2019-2020,参与

9. The University of Texas at Austin, Project ASTRA, 2021-2023,参与

10. The State of Texas Air Quality Research Program (AQRP), “Texas urban vegetation BVOC emission source inventory”, 2020-2021,参与

11. The State of Texas Air Quality Research Program (AQRP), “A Next Generation Modelling System for Estimating Texas Biogenic VOC Emissions”, 2017-2018, 参与

12. U.S. EPA STAR Program, “The impact of drought on air quality in Texas” (Grant No. RD-83519101-0), 2012-2015, 参与


1. Huang, L., Zhu, Y., Liu, H., Wang, Y., Allen, D. T., Ooi, M. C. G., ... & Li, L. (2023). Assessing the contribution of open crop straw burning to ground-level ozone and associated health impacts in China and the effectiveness of straw burning bans. Environment international, 171, 107710.

2. Huang, L., Kimura, Y., & Allen, D. T. (2022). Assessing the impact of episodic flare emissions on ozone formation in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria area of Texas. Science of The Total Environment, 828, 154276.

3. Huang, L., Zhu, Y., Wang, Q., Zhu, A., Liu, Z., Wang, Y., ... & Li, L. (2021). Assessment of the effects of straw burning bans in China: Emissions, air quality, and health impacts. Science of The Total Environment, 789, 147935.

4. Ling, Huang, Li Qing, Xu Jian, Shi Lishu, Li Liang, Wang Qian, Wang Yangjun et al. "Strategies towards PM2. 5 attainment for non-compliant cities in China: A case study." Journal of Environmental Management 298 (2021): 113529.

5. Li Yumin, Li Shiyuan, Huang Ling*, Liu Ziyi, Li Li, Wang Yangjun, Lv Kangjuan.: The casual effects of COVID-19 lockdown on air quality and short-term health impacts in China. Environmental Pollution, 2021.

6. Ling Huang, Yonghui Zhu, Hehe Zhai, Shuhui Xue, Tianyi Zhu, Yun Shao, Ziyi Liu, Chris Emery, Greg Yarwood, Yangjun Wang, Joshua Fu, Kun Zhang, and Li Li*.: Recommendations on benchmarks for numerical air quality model applications in China: Part I – PM2.5 and chemical species, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21, no. 4 (2021): 2725-2743.

7. Yangjun Wang, Xingjian Tan, Ling Huang*, Qian Wang, Hongli Li, Hongyan Zhang, Kun Zhang, Ziyi Liu, Dramane Traore, Elly Yaluk, Joshua S. Fu, Li Li* The impact of biogenic emissions on ozone formation in the Yangtze River Delta region based on MEGANv3.1.: Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health (2021): 1-12.

8. Ling Huang#, Qian Wang#, Yangjun Wang*, Chris Emery, Ansheng Zhu, Yonghui Zhu, Sijia Yin, Greg Yarwood, Kun Zhang, Li Li*. Simulation of secondary organic aerosol over the Yangtze River Delta region: The impacts from the emissions of intermediate volatility organic compounds and the SOA modeling framework. Atmospheric Environment, 2020.

9. Ling Huang, Ziyi Liu, Hongli Li, Yangjun Wang, Yumin Li, Yonghui Zhu, Maggie Chel Gee Ooi, Jing An, Yu Shang, Dongping Zhang, Andy Chan,Li Li*. The silver lining of COVID-19: estimation of short-term health impacts due to lockdown in the Yangtze River Delta region, China. GeoHealth. 2020, 4, e2020GH000272. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GH000272.

10. Huang, L#., An, J.#, Koo, B., Yarwood, G., Yan, R., Wang, Y., Huang, C.*, and Li, L.*: Sulfate formation during heavy winter haze events and the potential contribution from heterogeneous SO2 + NO2 reactions in the Yangtze River Delta region, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 14311–14328, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-19-14311-2019, 2019.

11. 张馨心,赵秀颖,黄凌*等.基于三维空气质量模型的淄博市臭氧及前体物来源解析.环境科学:1-15[2023-05-23].https://doi.org/10.13227/j.hjkx.202210054.

12. 卞锦婷,黄凌*,李红丽等.上海市PM2.5和臭氧复合污染期多路径减排效果评估[J].环境科学研究,2023,36(02):314-324.

13. 朱永慧,黄凌*,李瑜敏等.中国露天生物质燃烧的温室气体排放及秸秆禁燃政策的协同减排效应[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(10):160-169.

14. 廖加强,薛金,王文锦,黄凌*等.长江三角洲2018年土壤 NO排放特征.环境科学,2022,43(06):3357-3364.

15. 王倩,黄凌*,王杨君*,殷司佳,张琪,易鑫,李莉. 长江三角洲2017年机动车IVOCs排放清单构建及其对SOA的生成影响. 环境科学,2020,41(1)

16. 朱永慧, 王倩, 黄凌*, 殷司佳, 李莉, 王杨君. 长江三角洲 2010-2018 年生物质燃烧中等挥发性有机物 (IVOCs) 排放清单.环境科学 41, no. 8 (2020): 3511-3517.

17. Huang, L., McDonald-Buller*, E.C., McGaughey, G., Kimura, Y. and Allen, D.T., 2016. The impact of drought on ozone dry deposition over eastern Texas. Atmospheric Environment, 127, pp.176-186.

18. Huang, L., McGaughey, G.*, McDonald-Buller, E. C., Kimura, Y., & Allen, D. T. 2015. Quantifying regional, seasonal and interannual contributions of environmental factors on isoprene and monoterpene emissions estimates over eastern Texas. Atmospheric Environment, 106, 120-128.

19. Huang, L., McDonald-Buller*, E. C., McGaughey, G., Kimura, Y., & Allen, D. T. 2015. Comparison of regional and global land cover products and the implications for biogenic emission modeling. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 65(10), 1194-1205.

20. Huang, L., McDonald-Buller*, E. C., McGaughey, G., Kimura, Y., & Allen, D. T. 2014. Annual variability in leaf area index and isoprene and monoterpene emissions during drought years in Texas. Atmospheric Environment, 92, 240-249.





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